Main Stage

Dances – Relax and unwind at our evening dances with music provided by a wide selection of DJs!

Drag Show –


Cartoon Marathon

Dealers, Vendors, & Artists

Dealer’s Den and Artist Alley – Buy a wide variety of merchandise such as comics, games, t-shirts, books, plush toys, commissions and so much more!

Gaming – Tabletop, Video Game, & Arcade!

Texas Furry Siesta is not only home to some amazing events…but, also home to an amazing, dedicated gaming room. Whatever your gaming preferences, chances are we have something for you! We feature a wide selection of tabletop games and video games.

Socialize and MeetUp!

Want to get together with friends? We have large amounts of social area, it’s easy to grab a table or two and hang out. Play games, draw, just catch up!

How about a more formal event? Looking to meet others of a like interest, request time in one of our panel rooms. Past ones have been Dallas Furs, Oklahoma Furs, Space Furs, Biker Furs …if you build it, they will come.